If you’re a responsible adult, you probably already make use of a professional shredding service to safely dispose of your secure documents. You’ve got all your bases covered by yearly shredding your tax documents, medical records, and other bills that have your personal information on them. However, as the main goal of shredding is to prevent fraud and identity theft, there are a few more personal documents you should add to the list that you may not have thought of. At Shred Monkey, we always value our clients’ privacy above all else, so take a look at this list and make sure you’re covered.

The purpose of a resume is to convey your information to a potential employer, so they are chock-full of personal information! Take a look at your most recent resume and we’re sure you’ll agree that it belongs in the “to shred” pile. Resumes carry your address, phone number, name, email address, and employment and education history. Someone looking to steal your identity can quickly learn a lot of information about you just by taking one look at your resume.
Obituaries and Birth Announcements
Unfortunately, children and the deceased are both popular targets for identity theft. Thieves can fraudulently apply for loans, tax returns, credit card accounts, and more with the information found in obituaries and on birth announcements. If you plan to publish this information, be very cautious about what information you include and shred them afterward. We recommend leaving out birth dates and maiden names on public obituaries as well as specific details on birth announcements.
Pet Medical Records
We know what you’re thinking- is someone going to try and steal my dog’s identity next? The answer is no, however, pet medical records still contain information that shouldn’t be left laying around. Because studies show that pet names are usually the most common choices for online passwords, you put yourself at risk if you fail to shred these documents. Plus, pet medical records contain your information and possibly financial information.
Shred Monkey helps protect the personal privacy of Indianapolis residents. Our residential shredding services will maintain your confidentiality and keep your personal information safe and secure. Contact our office today at (317) 916-1800 for a free estimate.