If you regularly use a shredding service for your personal documents, your main concern likely is financial documents. Anything that could potentially compromise your credit or put you at risk of identity theft is an obvious choice for shredding, thus you’re not likely to overlook it. However, there are several other documents that you shouldn’t leave hanging around, as they can also put you and your family at risk. Our team at Shred Monkey wants to make sure you’re not forgetting to shred these three documents.

Documents You Should Be Shredding

1. Prescription Labels and Related Information

Prescription labels contain a wealth of personal information, including your full name and the name of your doctor. Not only do you not want that information stolen, but you also run the risk of someone using your label to refill your prescription. This could put your health at risk and can also cause problems with your insurance company. Always shred information from the pharmacy and remove the labels to shred them before tossing the bottles.

2. Boarding Passes

Boarding passes also pose a risk to your identity, as they reveal your name and where you’ve been. However, a thief could also use your boarding passes to access your frequent flyer account and steal your miles. To protect your frequent flyer account and any miles you’ve earned, be sure to not only shred your boarding passes but also your luggage tags each and every time you fly.

3. Resumes

Resumes contain nearly all of your information on one sheet of paper. You’ve listed your name, phone number, email address, mailing address, educational history, employment history and more! That is a lot of information for someone to potentially find while rummaging through your trash. Always remember to shred any old or outdated resumes to avoid any problems.

Shred Monkey helps protect the personal privacy of Indianapolis residents. Our residential shredding services will maintain your confidentiality and keep your personal information safe and secure. Contact our office today at (317) 916-1800 for a free estimate.