Declutter Your Home for the New Year

Every year, the Christmas season brings so much joy into our homes – but it also tends to bring a lot of stuff as well! The kids received new toys, you got that new appliance you’ve had your eye on, and there’s a stack of Christmas cards piling up on your countertop. Now it’s time to find new homes for all these things, and maybe rid your home of something you no longer need in the process. Our team at Shred Monkey is here to share decluttering tips, so you can start the 2020 will a well-organized home and a clear mind.

The Bedrooms

Your bedrooms are a great place to start your decluttering mission. Begin by removing anything that doesn’t belong on your nightstands or dressers. This includes things such as books you’re not reading, pens, paper, chargers that no longer work, or empty tissue boxes. Figure out what needs to be put away, what needs thrown away, and what is able to be donated. It’s a great idea to separate your clutter into these three categories as you work your way through each room in the house.

The Kitchen

Keeping a kitchen free of clutter can be a challenge for anyone. In addition to cooking and eating, many people use their kitchens for socializing and homework, so the potential for clutter is staggering. Start by removing everything possible from the countertops, leaving only things you use every single day. Then move on to your pantry and cabinets, getting rid of anything you no longer need.

The Home Office

When tackling the home office, continue to sort items into things to put away, throw away, or donate. However, with the office comes the added complication of your important personal documents. Paper documents can stack up quickly; however, most documents can be kept digitally. Digitize your receipts, bills, invoices, and other miscellaneous sheets of paper, and store in an area that will get regularly backed up, to keep it as safe as having paper copies. After digitizing, shred all the originals and any other paperwork you no longer need.

Start the New Year off right with a clutter-free home and a stress-free life. Our one-time purge documents shredding or drop-off shredding service are perfect options for de-cluttering your home of all the paperwork you no longer need. Contact our Indianapolis office today at (317) 916-1800 to request a free estimate.

Steve Edsall: